Results for 'Keith Stewart Thomson'

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  1. The Common but Less Frequent Loon and Other Essays.Keith Stewart Thomson - 1995 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (2):295.
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    Book review: Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. [REVIEW]Keith Stewart Thomson - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (2):214-215.
  3. Butler and Hume on Religion, a comparative analysis, acta universitatis upsaliensis.Anders Jeffner, Keith Bradfield & James Stewart - 1969 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 74 (3):364-367.
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    A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy.John F. W. Herschel - 1830 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Originally published in 1830, this book can be called the first modern work in the philosophy of science, covering an extraordinary range of philosophical, methodological, and scientific subjects. "Herschel's book . . . brilliantly analyzes both the history and nature of science."—Keith Stewart Thomson, American Scientist.
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  5. Genetics inquiry: strategies and knowledge geneticists use in solving transmission genetics problems.Norman Thomson & James Stewart - 2003 - Science Education 87 (2):161-180.
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  6. Justification, truth, and coherence.Keith Lehrer & Stewart Cohen - 1983 - Synthese 55 (2):191-207.
    A central issue in epistemology concerns the connection between truth and justification. The burden of our paper is to explain this connection. Reliabilism, defended by Goldman, assumes that the connection is one of reliability. We argue that this assumption is too strong. We argue that foundational theories, such as those articulated by Pollock and Chisholm fail to elucidate the connection. We consider the potentiality of coherence theories to explain the truth connection by means of higher level convictions about probabilities, which (...)
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  7. Integrating text and pictorial information: eye movements when looking at print advertisements.Keith Rayner, Caren M. Rotello, Andrew J. Stewart, Jessica Keir & Susan A. Duffy - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (3):219.
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    Lehrer on Coherence and Self-TrustSelf-Trust: A Study of Reason, Knowledge and Autonomy.Stewart Cohen & Keith Lehrer - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (4):1043.
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    Dretske on knowledge.Keith Lehrer & Stewart Cohen - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):73-74.
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    A decision-by-sampling account of decision under risk.Neil Stewart & Keith Simpson - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford, The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 261--276.
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    Ancient Poetry as History in the 18th Century.Keith Stewart - 1958 - Journal of the History of Ideas 19 (3):335.
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    Susan P. Mattern. The Prince of Medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire. xx + 334 pp., illus., maps, bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. £20. [REVIEW]Keith Stewart - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):704-705.
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  13. A decision-by-sampling account of decision under risk.Neil Stewart & Simpson & Keith - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford, The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Naturalism. By Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro.R. Keith Loftin - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (2):305-306.
  15. Abortion Logic and Paternal Responsibilities: One More Look at Judith Thomson's" A Defense of Abortion".Keith J. Pavlischek - 1993 - Public Affairs Quarterly 7 (4):341-361.
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    W. J. M. Rankine and the Rise of Thermodynamics.Keith Hutchison - 1981 - British Journal for the History of Science 14 (1):1-26.
    In the history of thermodynamics, two dates stand out as especially important: 1824, when Sadi Carnot's brilliant memoirRéflexions sur la puissance motrice du feuappeared in print; and 1850, when Rudolf Clausius published his similarly titled paper ‘Ueber die bewegende Kraft der Wärme’. In this paper Clausius narrowly beat the Scottish physicist William Thomson to the solution of a puzzle which had been highlighted in the latter's recent publications: how could Carnot's theory, with all its intellectual attractions, be reconciled with (...)
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    Lehrer on Knowledge and Causation.Todd Stewart - 2003 - In Erik Olsson, The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 63--74.
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    Keith Thomson. Before Darwin: Reconciling God and Nature. xiv + 314 pp., illus., bibl., app. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2005. $27 ; $18. [REVIEW]Richard Bellon - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):190-191.
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    Keith Andrew Stewart. Galen’s Theory of Black Bile: Hippocratic Tradition, Manipulation, Innovation. ix + 178 pp., bibl., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018. €94 (cloth); ISBN 9789004382787. E-book available. P. N. Singer; Philip J. van der Eijk (Editors and Translators). Galen: Works on Human Nature. Volume 1: Mixtures (De temperamentis). With Piero Tassinari. (Cambridge Galen Translations.) xvii + 269 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. £90 (cloth); ISBN 9781107023147. E-book available. [REVIEW]Caroline Petit - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):867-869.
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    Keith Thomson. A Passion for Nature: Thomas Jefferson and Natural History. 146 pp., illus., apps., index. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. $14.95 .Lee Alan Dugatkin. Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose: Natural History in Early America. xii + 166 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. $26. [REVIEW]Sara S. Gronim - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):913-914.
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    Keith Thomson. The Legacy of the Mastodon: The Golden Age of Fossils in America. xvii + 386 pp., maps, tables, apps., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2008. $35. [REVIEW]A. Van Riper - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):433-434.
  22. Knowledge and cancelability.Tammo Lossau - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):397-405.
    Keith DeRose and Stewart Cohen object to the fallibilist strand of pragmatic invariantism regarding knowledge ascriptions that it is committed to non-cancelable pragmatic implications. I show that this objection points us to an asymmetry about which aspects of the conveyed content of knowledge ascriptions can be canceled: we can cancel those aspects that ascribe a lesser epistemic standing to the subject but not those that ascribe a better or perfect epistemic standing. This situation supports the infallibilist strand of (...)
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  23. Contextualism and the knowledge norm of assertion.Christoph Jäger - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):491-498.
    Keith DeRose has argued that ‘the knowledge account of assertion – according to which what one is in a position to assert is what one knows – ... provides a ... powerful positive argument in favor of contextualism’ (2009: 80). The truth is that it yields a powerful argument against contextualism, at least against its most popular, anti-sceptical versions. The following argument shows that, if we conjoin (such versions of) epistemic contextualism with an appropriate meta-linguistic formulation of the knowledge (...)
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  24. Are Knowledge Claims Indexical?Wayne A. Davis - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):257-281.
    David Lewis, Stewart Cohen, and Keith DeRose have proposed that sentences of the form S knows P are indexical, and therefore differ in truth value from one context to another.1 On their indexical contextualism, the truth value of S knows P is determined by whether S meets the epistemic standards of the speakers context. I will not be concerned with relational forms of contextualism, according to which the truth value of S knows P is determined by the standards (...)
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    Converts, uncertainty, and the novel.Stewart Justman - 2008 - Philosophy and Literature 32 (2):pp. 359-372.
    In its quest for converts medieval Christendom locked itself into a vicious interpretive circle, pressing unbelievers to join the Christian community and then suspecting them for doing so. Such suspicion drove the Inquisition. An Inquisition whose torture machinery grinds on century after century, as if each execution laid the ground for another, represents a closed system alien to a literary form, the novel, whose English name suggests "the new." As befits a form set in "the present day with all its (...)
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    Comment on Jennings, ‘Right Relation and Right Recognition in Public Health Ethics: Thinking through the Republic of Health’.Keith Syrett - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (2):180-182.
    This paper offers a brief comment on Jennings’ preceding paper, focusing on the capacity of a republican approach to public health ethics to facilitate reconceptualization of the right to health in situations of limited resources through a relational reading.
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    Mammalian DNA single‐strand break repair: an X‐ra(y)ted affair.Keith W. Caldecott - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (5):447-455.
    The genetic stability of living cells is continuously threatened by the presence of endogenous reactive oxygen species and other genotoxic molecules. Of particular threat are the thousands of DNA single-strand breaks that arise in each cell, each day, both directly from disintegration of damaged sugars and indirectly from the excision repair of damaged bases. If un-repaired, single-strand breaks can be converted into double-strand breaks during DNA replication, potentially resulting in chromosomal rearrangement and genetic deletion. Consequently, cells have adopted multiple pathways (...)
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    The psychological mystique.Stewart Justman - 1998 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    This text weighs the influence of psychology on culture, traces the therapeutic model to its roots, and examines the connection between psychology and the marketing of goods and ideas. The author finds that the influence of psychology has saturated contemporary life both public and private. The book tracks the expansion of the therapeutic project from its beginnings in Locke and considers reflections on and of psychology in a number of authors, including Orwell, Conrad and Dostoevsky.
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  29. The Psychological Contract: Enacting Ethico-power'.Keith Pheby - 1997 - In Peter W. F. Davies, Current Issues in Business Ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 76--86.
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    Identifying Appropriate Decision-Makers and Standards for Decision.Stewart G. Pollock - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (1-2):63-65.
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    Jean D'Alembert: Science and the Enlightenment.Arthur Thomson & Thomas L. Hankins - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (84):268.
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    The future of iust war theory1.Keith Abney - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke, Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge. pp. 338.
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    Notebook.Stewart R. Sutherland - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (258):550-.
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    The history of science in the thought of Herbert Butterfield: C. Thomas McIntire: Herbert Butterfield: Historian as dissenter. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004, xxv+499pp, $65.00 HB Michael Bentley: The life and thought of Herbert Butterfield: History, science and God. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, iv+381pp, £25.00 PB Kenneth B. McIntyre: Herbert Butterfield: History, providence, and skeptical politics. Wilmington, Delaware: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2011, xv+238pp, $18.00 PB.Keith C. Sewell - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):691-695.
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    Current Issues in Idealism.Stewart Candlish - 1997 - Bradley Studies 3 (1):78-82.
    Like madrigal-singing, philosophy conferences are likely to be more fun for the participants than for those who merely witness the outcome. Even if the organization is a shambles, the meals are terrible, the bar staff surly, the showers feeble and the beds purgatorial, still the general spirit of camaraderie engendered by a common enterprise and even fostered by adversity may make the occasion enjoyable, and a modest proportion of the discussion is usually genuinely enlightening, sometimes even exciting. But then come (...)
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  36. Conclusion : Possible ethics and ethical possibilities.Stewart R. Clegg & Carl Rhodes - 2006 - In Stewart Clegg & Carl Rhodes, Management ethics: contemporary contexts. New York: Routledge.
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  37. Can I Die? Derrida on Heidegger on Death.Lain Thomson - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (1):29-42.
    Holding to the truth of death—death is al - ways most/just [one’s] own—shows an - other kind of cer tainty, more pri mor dial than any cer tainty re gard ing be ings en - coun tered within the world or for mal ob - jects;foritisthecertaintyof be ing-in-the-world.2 Mar tin Heidegger, Be ing and Time..
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  38. Ruminations on an Account of Personal Identity.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1987 - In On Being and Saying: Essays for Richard Cartwright. MIT Press. pp. 215-240.
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    of the Proposition.Stewart Candlish & Nic Damnjanovic - 2012 - In José L. Zalabardo, Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 64.
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    Freud and His Nephew.Stewart Justman - 1994 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 61 (2):457-476.
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    Human Biodiversity Conservation: A Consensual Ethical Principle.Rosemarie Garland-Thomson - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (6):13-15.
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    Choephoroe 892 (893).George Thomson - 1942 - The Classical Review 56 (02):71-.
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    For and against Abelard: the invective of Bernard of Clairvaux and Berengar of Poitiers.Rodney M. Thomson & Michael Winterbottom (eds.) - 2020 - Rochester, NY, USA: The Boydell Press.
    The late eleventh and twelfth centuries were Europe's first age of pamphlet warfare, of invective and satire. The perceived failure, or at least hypocrisy, of its new institutions-the new monastic orders and the reformed papacy-gave rise to the phenomenon, and it was shaped by the study of grammar and rhetoric in the new Schools. The central figures in the texts in the present book are Bernard of Clairvaux, the powerful ostensible founder of the Cistercian order, and the popular and influential (...)
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    Further astronomical material of Abbo of Fleury.Ron B. Thomson - 1988 - Mediaeval Studies 50 (1):671-673.
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    Herbert Spencer.John Arthur Thomson - 1906 - New York: AMS Press.
    This volume attempts to give a short account of Herbert Spencer's life, an appreciation of his characteristics, and a statement of some of the services he rendered to science. Prominence has been given to his Autobiography, to his Principles of Biology, and to his position as a cosmic evolutionist; but little has been said of his psychology and sociology, which require another volume, or of his ethics and politics, or of his agnosticism-the whetstone of so many critics. Our appreciation of (...)
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    Mediaevalia.Williel R. Thomson - 1981 - Mediaeval Studies 43 (1):531-537.
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    (2 other versions)The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015.Kelly Becker & Iain D. Thomson (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This landmark achievement in philosophical scholarship brings together leading experts from the diverse traditions of Western philosophy in a common quest to illuminate and explain the most important philosophical developments since the Second World War. Focusing particularly on those insights and movements that most profoundly shaped the English-speaking philosophical world, this volume bridges the traditional divide between “analytic” and “Continental” philosophy while also reaching beyond it. The result is an authoritative guide to the most important advances and transformations that shaped (...)
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    Pasa Idea in Thucydides.Stewart Flory - 1988 - American Journal of Philology 109 (1).
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    “Real” and “Notional” in Newman’s Thought.Keith Beaumont - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (1):27-56.
    Newman’s constant preoccupation with “connectedness” leads him to explore and to insist upon the importance of the relationship between the “notional” and the “real,” and therefore of that between theology and philosophy, on the one hand, and spirituality and morality or ethics, on the other. This paper explores Newman’s expression of these ideas, firstly in his sermons and theological writings, and finally in the more philosophical context of the Grammar of Assent.
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    The Scope of Psychology.Keith Butler - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:428 - 436.
    Descartes' conception of the mind as a private entity, separable (in various ways) from the body and the world around it, has come under increasingly vigorous attack in recent years. A new and very different sort of expansion of the scope of psychology has recently been advanced by John Haugeland, who argues quite ingeniously that the Cartesian divisions between mind, body, and world are psychologically otiose. I demur, citing several traditional individuative criteria that are immune to Haugeland's case.
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